April 29, 2016

Cats with Beautiful Multi-Colored Eyes

I know you've seen odd-eyed cats. One green and one blue, either left or right. And this condition is called complete heterochromia.

My very own odd-eyed cat

But have you seen cats with irises that have two different colors in the same area (or sectoral heterochromia)? You haven't? You're in luck for today!

I just stumbled upon this post showcasing cats with beautiful multi-colored eyes. And I thought that I'd share them with you.

She has green crescent moons in her eyes.

Are those wonderful eyes of a reptile?

Still beautiful even when she has smeared her face!

I can't help but look into his eyes.

Sorry for staring too much. You're just so attractive.

Yep, this feline has sectoral heterochromia too.

Find the blue among all those green.

And this is my very own cat with sectoral heterochromia.

Do you have pet cats like these too? Let me see their pictures!


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