January 11, 2017

Can Cats Be Vaccinated When They Are Sick?

When our pet cats are sick, we immediately think that the solution for it is vaccination. People often perceived that any medicine or vaccinations injected to their pets are something that would help cure their sickness. But this is actually wrong.

When cats are sick, vets will not administer vaccines to them. Yes, vaccinations are not allowed for sick cats, or any sick pets.

Why vaccinations are not allowed for sick cats

So, let me explain what's going on inside the body of your sick pet cat. When your pet cat is sick, its white blood cells (the cells that fight diseases and infection) are already busy fighting an enemy intruder (the current disease or sickness of your cat).

When you introduce vaccines to your sick pet cat, you are actually making your cat's sickness a lot worse. Why? Because inside the vaccines are dead or weakened actual viruses or bacteria.

Do you remember your microbiology class (if any)?

Vaccines help our body be immune to certain diseases because they actually contain small strains of the virus/bacteria of the disease itself.

For example, for humans, we are vaccinated with a polio vaccine to prevent us from developing polio. But in actuality, the polio vaccine contains the polio virus itself in small amounts.

We are introduced with minimal amounts of virus/bacteria in vaccines because it is preparing and teaching the body to fight the disease when encountered in the future.

That's same with cats.

However, when you inject vaccines to your pet cat while it is seriously ill, you are like sending enemy reinforcements to your cat's poor immune system.

You know that your cat's immune system is already busy fighting its current disease, then why send another army of virus/bacteria through vaccines?

You getting what I'm saying?

So when you have taken your sick pet cat to the vet, don't ask them to vaccinate your cat to save you a few vet trips. Even if you do so, your pet cat's vet won't allow it.


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